My Story

Hi, my name is


Let's get to know each other

My story begins with an ending. For me, dropping out of college was the thread that unraveled the blanket of the life I thought I was going to have. I tried so many different things from graphic design to automotive technology. I stocked shelves in a grocery store. I was an automotive technician and a part time pharmacy tech.

At the time my life felt like a failure - a former academic high achiever who fell off the wagon somewhere. I knew I wanted the freedom to create my own hours, to spend time outside, and to impact the world in a positive way.

But I kept creating.. I started sharing photos and videos of the things I loved to do - a nature and adventure centric life of diving, hiking, and hanging out with friends. I never expected posting photos and videos on Instagram to turn into a career.

Things started to pick up and I decided to leave my job to "try out this filmmaking thing" full time. At that point I actually felt that I was late to the whole filmmaking train!

Over the next few years, I worked with dream clients like Four Seasons, Adorama, Lexus, and many more. I have also been fortunate enough to have traveled the world to capture some of the most amazing couples and captivating love stories.